.. _users: Using ROSMOD ============ This section explains how to use ROSMOD, WebGME, and walks through model creation with a few examples. :ref:`intro` is the best starting point for people new to ROSMOD or WebGME, since it walks through an example project, explaining how all the different parts of the model are created and how they interact with each other (including how you can generate, compile, and execute code). The project associated with that documentation is hosted at `rosmod`_ under the project `ROSMOD/Samples/IntroductionToROSMOD`, which is accessible from `guest` accounts. Requirements ------------ ROSMOD is best used with `Google Chrome`, but has been tested for most functionality on: `Firefox` and `Microsoft Edge` as well. To connect to a server, simply type the address into the address bar; if you want to log into the server, you can append `/login` to your address or you can click the logout button on the upper right of the UI (by default the servers support automatic guest login). Samples ------- The documentation for these samples is the auto-generated documentation from their `Documentation` objects in their respective models. The :ref:`intro` sample describes how to generate this documentation. :ref:`intro` Is the launching point for learning ROSMOD and the WebGME environment. It walks through the relevant user interfaces, modeling concepts, and ROS/ROSMOD concepts. .. toctree:: :includehidden: :maxdepth: 3 introduction_to_rosmod_v_0 .. _rosmod: http://rosmod.rcps.isis.vanderbilt.edu/