Getting Started with ROSMOD

This post describes the design of the ROSMOD meta-model, how to use the rosmod toolsuite, and how to deploy ROSMOD code onto systems. If you aren’t familiar with WebGME (on which ROSMOD is built), then you should start by reading Introduction to WebGME.

ROSMOD is an extension and formalization of ROS which extends the scheduling layer, formalizes a component model with proper execution semantics, and adds modeling of software and systems for a full tool-suite according to model-driven engineering.

When developing models using ROSMOD, the top-level entity is a ROSMOD Project, which is a self-contained collection of

  • Software
  • Systems
  • Deployments
  • Experiments

These collections act as folders to categorize and separate the many different model objects by their associated modeling concept. In this way, the software defined for a project can be kept completely separate from any of the systems on which the software may run. Similarly, the different ways the software may be instantiated and collocated at run-time is separated into specific deployments which are independent of the hardware model and to some degree the software model.

Project Creation

To create a new project, you can either drag and drop a Project object from the Part Browser into the canvas when viewing the Projects root node or you can right click on the Projects root node of the Tree Browser and create a new child of type Project. Please note that you cannot drag a Documentation object into the Projects canvas to create a documentation object and that if you choose to create a Documentation object inside the Projects root node it will not be displayed in the RootViz visualizer which shows all the Projects and will not be included in any of the generated documentation.

Project Attributes

Each project has special Code Documentation attributes: Authors, Brief Description, and Detailed Description, which are best edited by clicking on the CodeEditor visualizer. This visualizer fills the canvas with a CodeMirror instance which allows the user to easily edit multi-line strings with:

  • automatic saving when changes are made
  • undo/redo
  • syntax highlighting
  • code completion, activated with ctrl+space
  • code folding, using the gutter buttons or ctrl+q on the top of the code to be folded (e.g. start of an if block)

while allowing the user to configure (using drop-down menus):

  • the currently viewed/edited attribute
  • the current color theme of the code editor
  • the current keybindings associated with the code editor (supported keybindings are sublime, emacs, and vim)

The CodeEditor visualizer is used in many places throughout the UI; any object that has attributes which support editing using the CodeEditor will display the CodeEditor as a selection in the visualizers list in the Visualizer Panel.

Project Plugins

While viewing a project, the user can run the following plugins:

  • SoftwareGenerator: for generating and optionally compiling the **software defined for the project according to the host architectures defined in the system models of the project.
  • GenerateDocumenation: aggregates all the Documentation objects in the project’s tree, converts them to ReStructuredText and compiles them into html and pdf.
  • TimingAnalysis: generates a Colored Petri-Net model for performing timing analysis on thedeployments (software instanced on abstract hardware)

Saving/Exporting the Project

Currently there are two ways to save/export and Load a Project or sub-model (e.g. a System model).

The first way is to save a selected (sub-)tree of the WebGME model, by right-clicking on the sub-tree’s root (e.g. a System model) and selecting Export Library. This exported library can be shared among WebGME models and organizations. To load a library saved in this way, simply right-click on the parent node in the Tree Browser for which you want the library to be a child. Select Import/Update Library and choose the library file you like.

The second way is to go to the root of the WebGME model (i.e. the Projects node), and run the plugin ExportImport which will provide you a dialog to configure what you wish to do.


The software model contains all the information required to generate and compile the software for the project. Because ROSMOD is an extension of ROS, software is organized by Packages, which are ROS applications that contain executable code, as well as message and service definitions. We have extended and formalized these concepts (described in the documentation for a Package) and have included information related to required System Libraries or Source Libraries. These libraries are defined in the software model and include relevant attributes required for compilation (e.g. link libraries or include directories).

In this tutorial, we will not be covering the definition or use of these libraries, but examples of their use can be found in the Blinking LEDs, AGSE and Traffic Light Controller examples.


A ROSMOD package contains the definitions for its associated Messages and Services, which follow the ROS definitions, as well as the definitions for ROSMOD Components.


Messages contain a definition attribute (editable using a CodeMirror dialog). This definition attribute conforms to the ROS Message Description Specification. Messages allow components to interact using Publishers and Subscribers, through a non-blocking, one-to-many publish/subscribe interaction pattern. Non-blocking means that when a component publishes a message, the publish returns immediately, without waiting for any or all subscribers to acknowledge that they have received the message.

Here is an example Message definition:

int32 X=123 
int32 Y=-123 
string FOO="this is a constant" 
string EXAMPLE="this is another constant" 

The definition is edited using the CodeEditor visualizer, as described in the beginning of this sample’s documentation. Since a Message has no other valid visualizers, when you double-click on a message, it will automatically open into its definition to be viewed/edited using the CodeEditor visualizer.


Services contain a definition attribute (editable using a CodeMirror dialog). This definition attribute conforms to the ROS Service Description Specification. Services allow components to interact using Clients and Servers, through a blocking, one-to-one client/server interaction pattern. Blocking means that the component that issues the client call to the server must wait and cannot execute other code until it receives the response from the server.

Here is an example Service definition:

#request constants 
int8 FOO=1 
int8 BAR=2 
#request fields 
int8 foobar 
another_pkg/AnotherMessage msg 
#response constants 
uint32 SECRET=123456 
#response fields 
another_pkg/YetAnotherMessage val
CustomMessageDefinedInThisPackage value 
uint32 an_integer

The definition is edited using the CodeEditor visualizer, as described in the beginning of this sample’s documentation. Since a Service has no other valid visualizers, when you double-click on a message, it will automatically open into its definition to be viewed/edited using the CodeEditor visualizer.


Components are single threaded actors which communicate with other components using the publish/subscribe and client/server interaction patterns. These interactions trigger operations to fire in the components, where the operation is a function implemented by the user inside the operation attribute of the relevant subscriber or server. The component can also have timer operations which fire either sporadically or periodically and similarly have an operation attribute in which the user specifies the c++ code to be run when the operation executes. These operations happen serially through the operation queue and are not preemptable by other operations of that component. Inside these operations, publisher or client objects can be used to trigger operations on components which have associated and connected servers or subscribers. These publisher, subscriber, client, server, and timer objects are added by the user and defined inside the component.

Components contain forwards, members, definitions, initialization, and destruction attributes which provide an interface for the user to add their own C++ code to the component. Each of those attributes is (as previously) editable using the CodeEditor visualizer.

  • Forwards corresponds to code that comes before the class declaration in the generated component header file, e.g #include <stdio.h> or user-created structure or class definitions.

  • Members corresponds to private members and methods that the user wishes to add to the component in the generated component header file.

  • Definitions corresponds to function definitions or other code that the user wishes to add to the generated component source file.

  • Initialization corresponds to the code the user wishes to run when the component starts up to initialize members to specific values or begin the process of triggering other components in the system through publish or client interactions.

  • Destruction allows the user to specify destruction of any objects they have allocated on the heap that need to be manually destructed during component destruction.

Additionally, components contain User Configuration and User Artifacts attributes, which are editable as JSON code using the CodeEditor visualizer.

  • User Configuration is a way of specifying the options passed to the component at run-time. The configuration object will be stored as a (possibly nested) dictionary within the component’s config, at config["User Configuration"]. These data are used instead of command line arguments to allow the user to send complex/nested data structures as configuration to the component, allow multiple component (instance) within a process to be configured with different values for the same parameter, and to save developer time by automatically parsing these data into usable structures. For example, given the following config:
  "logSensorData": true, 
  "logPeriod": 0.1,
    "time": "float", 
    "data": "int" 
     0.1, 0.2, 0.3 

The user could access the configuration structure using the following c++ code anywhere within the component:

bool logData = config["User Configuration"]["logSensorData"].asBool(); 
float period = config["User Configuration"]["logPeriod"].asFloat(); 
std::string firstField = config["User Configuration"]["logFields"]["time"].asString();
std::string secondField = config["User Configuration"]["logFields"]["data"].asString(); 
float firstOffset = config["User Configuration"]["sensorOffsets"][0].asFloat(); 
float secondOffset = config["User Configuration"]["sensorOffsets"][1].asFloat();

The documentation for the generated objects can be found at jsoncpp, which is the library used to parse the JSON.

  • User Artifacts is a way for the user to specify any files that may be produced by the component so that the experiment / plotting infrastructure can manage and version them. The attribute is specified as a JSON array of strings where each string is a filename of an output file.

Note that both the User Artifacts and User Configuration can be overridden independently within any Component Instance in a Deployment.

Inside the component, the user can define the interaction ports the component supports (i.e. any publisher, subscriber, client, and server objects), by dragging and dropping them into the component’s canvas. The relevant Message or Service pointers for these objects can be defined by either creating the port by dragging the relevant Message or Service object from the Tree Browser into the canvas and selecting the appropriate port type from the pop-up dialog or by dragging the Message or Service object onto the relevant Pointer of the already created port. Alternatively, the Message or Service object can be dragged on to the port in the canvas.

For Subscribers, Servers, and Timers, you can edit the Operation which gets executed on behalf of the object by double clicking on the object to open a CodeEditor with the operation code.


Inside this aspect is where the user can specify the c++ code that will execute upon the expiry of the relevant timer, or when relevant data is received for a subscriber or server. The attributes for the ports and timers can be specified in this aspect as well. These attributes include the period of the timer or the deadline of the subscriber operation, for instance.


Also inside this aspect is where the user can select the Set Editor visualizer, which allows the user to see or configure the set of Libraries that the component requires for compilation/execution. The user can drag a Source Library or System Library from the Tree Browser to into the Libraries Set Editor to add the library as a requirement for the component.


The user can drag in constraints from the Part Browser and name them accordingly to specify that the component must be deployed onto a Host which has a Capability with a name that matches the constraint’s name.

Example Receiver Component

This component acts as an example for an event-triggered component, which only executes when it receives the appropriate Message subscription operation or Service request. The c++ code which executes when these operations are triggered can be found in the Operation of the respective subscriber and server.


The Systems folder provides a place to group the different System definitions on which you might like to run the software defined in the Software model. When compiling the software using the SoftwareGenerator plugin from the project’s root aspect, the different system models are used to determine for which computer architectures to compile the software.


In a System model, you define Hosts, Users, Networks, and Links:


The Users which have an associated SSH Key location and Directory. The user’s Directory is where any processes started during experiment deployment or compilation on behalf of the user will be run and where any artifacts will be generated.


A Network defines the Subnet of IP addresses available as well as the Netmask which, together with the Subnet defines the range of available IP addresses.

Links connect a hosts Interface to a Network and has an associated IP address that the interface will have on that network. The user can create links and assign the IP addresses by clicking and dragging from the host’s interface to a network. The IP address is displayed on the link and can be edited by clicking on the Link and editing its IP property in the Property Panel.


The Hosts which are computers with a specified OS, Architecture, Device ID, and Device ID Command. The Device ID allows the user to delineate between two different devices (e.g. a BeagleBone Black and an NVIDIA Jetson TK1) which may have the same Architecture (e.g. armv7l), but may need to be separated for binary/library incompatibility. Because these devices may have different subsystems, we allow the user to specify the Device ID Command which is run on the host and should return a string containing the specified Device ID. Hosts can have any number of Interface children, which are displayed as ports on the Host.

Hosts can have two types of children: Interfaces and Capabilities. The attributes of Hosts are described in the section regarding System models.


Interfaces are used to specify the network interfaces available on the host. Each interface only has a name, e.g. eth0, specifying the network interface as it would be seen on the actual hardware, for instance by running ifconfig in linux.


Capabilities are the corresponding object to Constraints, which are contained by Components. A Capability corresponds to some provision that the Host has that the software may need, for instance hasCamera, or hasGPIO. Components which have the correspondingly named Constraint can only be mapped during deployment/execution to hosts which have Capabilities of the same name. Note that Capabilities need not be unique within or between hosts.


Hosts have a Set of Users which specify the users which have valid credentials on this host. The set of users is viewed and edited by selecting the SetEditor visualizer from within a Host. You specify that a user can access a host by dragging the user object (which exists in the parent system model) from the tree browser into the Users SetEditor of the relevant host.


Deployments are an abstract grouping of Instances of Components into processes (which are called, using ROS terminology, Nodes), and further grouping processes into Containers, which are an abstract definition of Hosts. The actual mapping from Containers to Hosts actually happens automatically in an Experiment.


A Deployment can have any number of Containers, which contain Node processes and will execute on separate hardware from each other. In this way, a Container is an abstract notion of a Host.


A container can contain any number of Nodes (POSIX processes). These nodes will all run in parallel on the Host to which this Container is mapped during an Experiment.


A node can contain any number of Instances of Components defined in the Software model. A node also has a Priority attribute which specifies the linux scheduling priority of the node’s process, respectively.

NOTE:: To create a Component Instance, you never drag from the Part Browser, but must instead drag and drop a Component from this project’s Software model into the canvas and select Create Instance Here.

By creating Component Instances in this way, the user can go into a Component Instance and change attributes, e.g. a Timer’s Period or Priority, which will not require a code re-compilation. Further, any changes made to the original component in the software model will automatically propagate to any Component Instances that have been created from it. Any changes made to the instance will override the original component’s properties, but will not affect the original component or any other component instances. To make such changes to timer or other port properties, simply double click on the newly created instance and select the relevant port, after which you may edit its attributes. Once an attribute has been over-ridden, any changes made to the original port attribute or component attribute will not reflect in the instance.

Similarly, the component instance’s User Configuration attribute can be over-ridden here to provide instance-specific configuration parameters, which are more powerful, complex configuration data than command line arguments (see the Component documentation in the Software).

Finally, each Component Instance corresponds to a separate thread of the Node’s process.


Experiments are deployable instances of software mapped to hardware. An experiment contains a pointer to a Deployment and a pointer to a System. In this way, the same conceptual grouping of component instances into processes and containers can be easily redeployed onto a different system by just swapping the experiment’s System pointer. The experiment will automatically ensure that the system’s capabilities satisfy the deployment’s software’s constraints.


An experiment maps a Deployment’s abstract grouping of component instances into processes and finally into Containers to Hosts from the selected System.

RunExperiment Plugin

The mapping and experiment deployment is performed automatically by the RunExperiment plugin based on which Hosts are reachable and not busy (i.e. not running any other experiment or compilation processes) from the selected system, and also ensures that the hosts satisfy all of the constraints from all of the component instances in a container’s nodes. If there are not enough hosts for the number of containers or if the constraints of the software cannot be satisfied by the available hosts, the RunExperiment plugin informs the user, else the plugin finishes the deployment and saves the mapping into the model for reference and showing to the user.

StopExperiment Plugin

If an experiment is currently running (based on the existence of model objects corresponding to the mapping of containers to hosts), the StopExperiment plugin will stop all the associated experiment processes and copy back all the components’ generated logs. The logs are saved onto the server file system and their contents are also copied into attributes of an automatically created Results object, whose name will be the current time at which the experiment finished. If the user opens the Results object and selects the ResultsViz visualizer, any tracing logs that were recovered will be automatically plotted in the canvas.

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